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The Korowai with the Korean Connection

In March 2019, we were approached by the son of a Korean War veteran who had been invited to Korea for the Revisit Korea Program. The program, started in 1975, was designed to express gratitude and respect to veterans of the Korean War for protecting sovereignty, freedom and democracy in South Korea. Korea wanted to remind the veterans that the country would never forget their help 69 years ago.

The veteran, Hapi, wanted to wear a korowai to the official functions, but could not bear the weight of a full korowai, and did not want his medals to be covered. So we talked with our korowai maker and asked her to create a short korowai. She made it, sent it to us, we sent photos to Hapi, and after some more photos, he decided he liked it. 

We thought about Hapi a lot after that, wondering how his travels had been, and whether the korowai had worked out how he wanted it to. Because what we do is not about the sale, but about making someone happy. 

Then in June we received this wonderful email and photos from Hapi's son. A little happy dance ensued (sorry, no photos of that!).



"Lesley, I am writing this to thank you for the beautiful Korowai my Sister and I had made for our Fathers return to Korea as part of the Korean Revisit Program.

This is a Korean Government program so that Korean War Veterans can return to Korea where they are honoured by the Korean Government and Korean people. It was an amazing trip with so many functions and ceremonies for the Veterans.

My Father wore your Korowai to all the events where it was a centre of attention not only with the Korean people but the Canadians and Australians also.

So many people wanted to know about it and get a photo with Dad which he loved. The Canadian Ambassadors Wife was very interested in  it and may purchase one I am just waiting to hear back from her.

On the last night there was final huge “Thank You Banquet” with speeches and performances. The Korean Minister of Veterans Affairs attended and Dad was chosen to sit at the main table with her.

At the end of the night Dad thanked the Minister for the program which allowed him and so many other Veterans to come back to Korea. He then did the most amazing thing and gifted his Korowai to the Minister.

She was so overwhelmed by this generous gift as was most of the room. It was one of the highlights of the trip. I have attached a photo of my Dad and the Minister wearing your beautiful Korowai.   

Thank you again Lesley for the very beautiful and well made Korowai.

korowai for Korean War Veteran

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MC22 korean korowai.jpg

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Tena Kotou,
I wish to thank you all very much for the delivery of the korowai, from NZ to Australia in speedy time. The parcel has been received in fabulous state of package and delivered to Australia in beautiful condition. What can we all say but thanks and thanks again.

Soyra, Australia, 5 June 2020

Hi, Received my lovely slippers today and I am very happy love the colour. My current NZ slippers are just worn out after many years.
I am more than satisfied as I know my new pair will last a long time, I have bought my slippers from NZ for many years as I'm assured they will last as I wear them all the time inside and out.

Helen, UK, 3 June 2020

Hello Lesley and everyone at ShopNZ!
Our shipment of NZ tea (Bell and Choysa) arrived today! We are thrilled the teas made it here despite the Covid19 pandemic! Thank you so much!
We are enjoying our first cups of these delicious teas and will enjoy many more in the days to come as we shelter at home in Washington State USA.
Evelyn, USA, 23 May 2020

Thanks so much, arrived in time for Mother's Day and this is what my Mum had to say about it: 
"Thanks so much for the wonderful present. The scarf is so warm and will be so well worn. Black is so versatile, goes with everything and smart too. Great gift!

Robyn, Aust, 12 May 2019

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