1) VISA/ MASTERCARD We accept Visa and Mastercard online ( through this secure site encrypted using 128-bit SSL ( Secure Sockets Layer Technology) or offline by phone, fax or mail.
PHONE: 64-9-4344659
FAX: 64-9-4344544
We are available 8 am - 6 pm ( NZ Time). To avoid phoning us in the middle of the night, the best time to phone is in your late afternoon or evening.
USA Voicemail/ Fax: 413- 7205008
3)PAYPAL An easy option at Checkout. Otherwise, use this email in PAYPAL.
4)CASH We accept US, Australian and New Zealand dollars, and Great British Pounds. Please conceal carefully and send at your own risk. Print a copy of your order and send with the cash ( and please email a copy of your order too).
5) DIRECT CREDIT This is only an option if you have a New Zealand bank account. Account details are:
Sozoli Enterprises Ltd
BNZ Whangarei
6) NEW ZEALAND CHEQUES Please print out the Checkout page copy of your order, and send it with your cheque made out to Sozoli Enterprises Ltd( our business name). Please alert us by email that you are sending a cheque.
Schools, Government Departments and Businesses
We are happy to supply you with an invoice, which you can pay by internet banking or Visa/Mastercard.
Please note that we ship once payment has been received.