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Horopito and Kawakawa

Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata) and Kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum) are two native trees found throughout New Zealand, both known for their traditional and modern medicinal properties. These native trees can be used to treat a range of ailments including tooth and stomach aches, gastric infections, coughs, colds and asthma, they can promote circulation, and are effective anti-fungals for topical infections including ringworm, bruises, cuts and burns.


Horopito 2.jpg

The ‘hot taste’ of horopito comes from its main biologically active component known as polygodial which demonstrates significant antifungal and antibacterial medicinal functions well-known to the Maori. Early settlers affectionately dubbed horopito the ‘Maori Painkiller’ and substituted it for quinine to treat diarrhea and gastric infections.   It has a mildly numbing effect in the mouth.

Antimicrobial components such as polygodial  kill bugs or stop bugs from replicating, and when combined with tannins which have astringent properties (tighten tissues) they create a powerful resistance to disease by enhancing microbial activity.

Traditionally, Maori boil fresh leaves of Horopito or chew them to relieve a tooth or stomach ache. Circulation is stimulated by applying horopito topically or when taken internally.  It has been successfully used to treat candida albicans (thrush) and athletes foot.

Horopito grows up to eight metres tall through most of New Zealand (except the Far North). Its leaves are green splotched with red with a blue-grey underside.


Kawakawa is important to Maori as an important healing herb in Rongoa Maori (traditional Maori herbal medicine) and as a culturally significant item worn in wreaths on the head as a sign of mourning or to welcome guests at a tangi.

Kawakawa contains a constituent known as myristicin, an antiseptic and pain reliever. It has gentle stimulating and rejuvenating properties and has long been used as a tonic or tea.

Kawakawa leaves are infused as tea to help stomach pains and indigestion. They can also be placed over cuts and boils to speed up healing time. The leaves can be boiled in water and used topically to treat bruises and the pain of neuralgia as well as rheumatism, eczema and nettle stings.

Kawakawa leaves can be dried and burnt and used as an insect repellant, or their sweet and peppery flavour is used in savoury dishes.

Kawakawa, known for its heart-shaped leaves is found throughout the North Island and northern half of the South Island in coastal and lowland forests.

To buy products containing Horopito or Kawakawa, click on the photos below.

PAR079: Horopito Savoury Rub - Horopito Rub.jpg

HSK064 - Ti Ora Green Tea with Kawakawa

Kawakawa etc.jpg

PAR080: Kawakawa Savoury Rub - Kawakawa Rub.jpg

MS03 - Millstream Kawakawa Healing Balm

BS914: Pure Source NZ Manuka Honey Anywhere Balm - Manuka Honey Anywhere Balm 2.jpg

HSK067: Ti Ora Breakfast Tea with Manuka Leaf - Ti ora cinnamon tea.png

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I am more than satisfied as I know my new pair will last a long time, I have bought my slippers from NZ for many years as I'm assured they will last as I wear them all the time inside and out.

Helen, UK, 3 June 2020

Hello Lesley and everyone at ShopNZ!
Our shipment of NZ tea (Bell and Choysa) arrived today! We are thrilled the teas made it here despite the Covid19 pandemic! Thank you so much!
We are enjoying our first cups of these delicious teas and will enjoy many more in the days to come as we shelter at home in Washington State USA.
Evelyn, USA, 23 May 2020

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"Thanks so much for the wonderful present. The scarf is so warm and will be so well worn. Black is so versatile, goes with everything and smart too. Great gift!

Robyn, Aust, 12 May 2019

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